Open Studios | PS Mirabel


Opening times:
Fri 19 July 6 pm - 9 pm
Sat 20 July 11 am - 5 pm

Studio 8a

Mirabel Open Studios is part of the Manifest Arts Festival
and will feature the following artists:

Ruby Tingle | Jack Doyle | Richard Ward | Olga Woszczyna | James Pegg | Christine Lawley | Mark Eden | Greg Fenwick | Geoff Hadfield | David Hancock | Naomi Lethbridge | Erin Svenik-Johnson | Lee Robinson | Catflap | Paul Cordwell

Mirabel Studios opened in August 2009 and quickly became a hub of Manchester's emerging artists, with graduates and Masters Students from the region’s Art Schools. Mirabel Studios currently houses one of University of Salford’s Graduate Scholars. Alongside, there are a number of more established artists making for a diverse and multi-disciplinary collection of artistic practices. Mirabel is also home to PAPER, PS Mirabel and Bunker galleries.

The Open Studio will take place in artist's spaces and communal areas throughout the maze-like building. Visitors will have access to the individual artists studios and each artist will be available to discuss their work and future plans.

Mirabel Studios
14/20 Mirabel Street
Manchester M3 1PJ